chenghc 发表于 2015-2-12 22:28:20


Hallo...newbie here...hope to learn from all sifu here:victory:

Junious 发表于 2015-2-12 22:31:59


please follow below format intro urself ;P

Name 姓名:
Gender 性别;
Age 年龄:
DOB 出生日期:
Place of Origin 来自哪里:
Currently Live in? 现在住在?:
Collection Theme 收藏那一个系列的乐高:

Csgan 发表于 2015-2-12 23:23:24


chenghc 发表于 2015-2-13 12:13:17

Opppsss....sorry... okie I will intro myself with the format:$

Name 姓名:chenghc
Gender 性别;boy
Age 年龄:20++
DOB 出生日期:11 May
Place of Origin 来自哪里:Selangor
Currently Live in? 现在住在?:Selangor, small town
Collection Theme 收藏那一个系列的乐高:City, Castle, Winter, Medieval.....Macam macam as long as I like it:loveliness:

chenghc 发表于 2015-2-13 12:13:34

Opppsss....sorry... okie I will intro myself with the format:$

Name 姓名:chenghc
Gender 性别;boy
Age 年龄:20++
DOB 出生日期:11 May
Place of Origin 来自哪里:Selangor
Currently Live in? 现在住在?:Selangor, small town
Collection Theme 收藏那一个系列的乐高:City, Castle, Winter, Medieval.....Macam macam as long as I like it:loveliness:

michaelchoy84 发表于 2015-2-13 23:24:26

chenghc 发表于 2015-2-13 12:13
Opppsss....sorry... okie I will intro myself with the format

Name 姓名:chenghc

Welcome to the most poisonous LEGO group ~~~ :lol

leroy 发表于 2015-2-15 22:38:03


Yancc 发表于 2015-2-16 13:51:19

I also newbie, pls take care me~~~ :D

cmchee 发表于 2015-4-15 21:09:36

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